Welcome to the City of Kawartha Lakes and The County of Haliburton Child Care Registry
Sign up and create a free OneHSN Account
Log in and complete your Family child care profile
Apply for Child Care Programs in CKL and Haliburton
For Fee Subsidy Information please see Financial Assistance section below
Finding Quality Programs
Licensed child care programs must meet and maintain specific provincial standards, set out in the Child Care and Early Years Act. These standards provide for the health, safety and developmental needs of children. For more information on licensed child care programs, please visit the Ministry of Education's website at Ministry of Education.
Apply For Licensed Child Care Services
The Registry provides a list of licensed child care providers in the City of Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton and includes several child care options for you to choose from:
- Home-based Childcare;
- Centre-based childcare;
- Approved recreation programs (before school, after school and summer camps).
To add your name to the Registry, you must first create an account. Then follow the steps to apply for the child care programs that best meet the needs of your child and family.
The Registry is managed by child care providers. Once a space is available, a child care provider will contact you directly to advise you of the next steps.
Financial Assistance
Please note: Applying for financial assistance for child care costs is a separate process and is not included in your application. When you complete your application for the waitlist please indicate your need for fee subsidy by selecting the fee subsidy option.
If you need help to pay for your child care costs please reach out to Children’s Services at 1-877-324-9870 #3 or or apply online in order to speak to an Early Years Representative and determine your eligibility.
The following information is provided as a guideline to help you determine if you may be eligible for fee subsidy
If family income is under $20,000, the parental contribution is zero
- If family income is over $20,000, the parental contribution is 10% of income over $20,000
- If family income is over $40,000, the parental contribution is an additional 20% of income over $40,000
Finding Quality Programs
- give families access to more affordable and high-quality child care options
- help lower child care fees for parents of children five years of age and under
- increase child care spaces
- support the early years workforce
- you pay more than $12 per day for child care and your child is:
- five years of age and younger
- six years old and enrolled in a licensed preschool, kindergarten or family age group or a licensed home child care premises, until June 30
- your licensed child care provider chooses to enroll in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care System